Periodontal treatments
In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in what constitutes a successfully completed treatment plan. The indicators of success are no longer solely focused on achieving harmonious dental shape, position, and color, but also on achieving functional and long-term stable results.

From this perspective, our specialists in periodontology, Dr. Vlad Andrei and Dr. Adelina Andrei, aim to ensure a stable foundation for these objectives by treating the elements that maintain the teeth in a healthy context: the gums, the alveolar bone, and the ligament system that keeps these entities in place.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the soft periodontal tissues caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque. This accumulation triggers an inflammatory reaction in the gums, directly proportional to the amount of plaque accumulated. Unlike more advanced forms of periodontal disease, gingivitis is completely reversible, precisely because the inflammatory processes are localized to the superficial periodontium. Gingival bleeding, both provoked by tooth brushing and spontaneous, as well as changes in volume, color, and position of the gingival margin, are the main symptoms of this condition.
The treatment directly addresses the causative factor, by removing the biofilm by the dentist. These operations are painless, consisting of a rigorous professional sanitization with the help of airflow and descaling devices.

Another essential stage is the maintenance of hygiene by the patient, who is given information about the entire arsenal of medical devices available, adapted to his needs.

Periodontitis is a multifactorial condition of the deep periodontium, of an inflammatory nature. In its progression, periodontal disease leads to the formation of periodontal pockets, gingival recession, bone resorption, thus jeopardizing the supporting structures of the teeth.
Warning signs of this condition include gingival bleeding, changes in gingival appearance, and a purplish hue of the gingival tissues. Left untreated, periodontitis can lead to tooth mobility and changes in tooth position over time. The presence of any of these signs indicates the need for a specialist consultation.
Following a thorough clinical evaluation, the dentist can determine the stage (severity) of periodontitis and the long-term prognosis of the disease in the absence of treatment.

An important aspect for obtaining a complete diagnosis is the evaluation of the patient's risk factors. Habits such as smoking and substance abuse, conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, as well as genetic factors, influence both the progression of periodontitis and the effectiveness of applied treatments.
Periodontal therapy unfolds in several stages, its main objective being to halt the disease's progression. Firstly, the patient will receive oral hygiene instructions, and risk factors for the disease will be controlled. After obtaining favorable conditions for treatment application, the dentist will perform what is called scaling and root planning, involving the minimally invasive removal of subgingival biofilm and tartar. In addition to this therapy, local or systemic antibiotic or antiseptic substances may be administered, subgingival air-polish treatments may be performed, and bacterial load reduction may be achieved through laser decontamination.
The evaluation of the results of non-surgical therapy will take place at an interval of 6-8 weeks, at which point the need for additional surgical interventions will be decided: resective surgery, mucogingival surgery, or regeneration of vertical bone defects.

Maintaining the results is achieved through a personalized program of regular check-ups, with the time interval between them decided based on the treatments applied, the severity of the initial disease, and the associated pathologies of the patients.
Another important goal of the periodontist is to ensure the so-called "pink aesthetics".
Achieving harmonious dental elements is not sufficient for patient satisfaction; the gingival aesthetic aspect is an essential goal for patients with higher aesthetic requirements. In this context, the development and understanding of concepts in periodontal plastic surgery have allowed for much-improved results in aesthetic treatments. Thus, the periodontist can intervene not only in cases of excess but also in cases of gingival deficiency, achieving an improvement in patients' smiles.